The Utter Truth About Maintainable Weight Loss For Women!
Attention Women!
Learn how to lose weight for good with these 4 elements.
In her one-hour webinar, international weight transformation expert Angela Buhri is going to explain the four pillars or elements a sensible, sustainable weight loss strategy should contain.

Angela will also share with you what most weight loss coaches lie about - the real causes of weight gain and how to transform them.

Within that one hour with Angela you will gain a whole new understanding about maintainable weight loss and why you may find it so hard to shed those extra pounds. 

No matter how much weight you want to lose, if you are serious about losing your extra weight for good, this is a webinar you don't want to miss...and it's FREE!
The Truth About Maintainable Weight Loss For Women
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What You Will Learn From This Class:
Secret #1: What Most Weight Loss Coaches Are Lying About
It's the misconceptions you have come to believe about weight loss that makes it so hard for you to lose weight and keep it off. After this webinar, you will understand more about maintainable weight loss than all the weight loss experts you have been listening to in the past. 
Secret #2: The 4 Elements Of Maintainable Weight Loss 
Once you understand the elements of a successful weight loss process, you can create the right individualized weight loss program for yourself. In this webinar, I'm going to teach you the 4 elements.
Secret #3: The Real Causes of Weight Gain & how to Transform Them  
Most weight loss programs reduce their solutions to only two causes: eating and exercise. But eating is not the real problem - it's just a symptom. Once you understand what the real causes are, you can eliminate them and lose your weight for good. 
Angela Buhri
Int. Weight Transformation Expert For Women
About the Speaker:
Angela Buhri, a Swiss adult trainer and behavioral therapist, has lost 58 pounds without dieting or exercising...simply by transforming the underlying causes. For the last 35 years, she has helped over 10,000 individuals to achieve their goals by practicing a body-mind-spirit weight loss approach and by eliminating the real causes vs. just treating the symptoms (eating and exercise).

In this webinar, she is going to reveal some of the most important weight loss secrets and help you create your own, personalized and maintainable weight loss strategy. 
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